Saturday, February 4, 2012

What is the difference between ISBN-10 and ISBN-13?

Why is it necessary to have two different ISBN numbers for the same book, or do they both refer to the same book?|||Both 10 and 13 are based on the same ISBN number. ISBN-13 is based on ISBN-10, has prefix 978 and recalculated check digit.

The reason for it is that ISBN agency is running out of numbers and is going to introduce new 979 prefixes in a year or so.

Both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 are the same ISBN number just in two different forms.

You can generate an ISBN-13 + the barcode that goes with it using this site:

Just enter 978 + your old ISBN-10 - the new check digit will be calculated automatically and you will get the barcode image.|||i dont know, but it sure makes buying textbooks online a *****.

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